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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Apple Airport Express/Extreme

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Anyone have any experience with either the Express or Extreme, specifically for hooking up a mac and normal windows based pc at the same time? I just moved to a new place, and was thinking of getting either one of them to hook up my mac ibook and toshiba laptops.

Whats the difference between the two? Will the Express be sufficient for home usage (max of 3 laptops)

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I'm not sure on the speakers as they are a roommate's, but at home I have a set of Bose that work fine. The picture wouldn't be that impressive as all that's connected to the Airport are the speaker jack, ethernet cable and power supply. I would however recommended getting a docking station, I find it gives a few more placement options.

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Speaker jack? Is that the standard 3mm jack that is the same as the ones for ipod earbuds or standard headphones?

I assume everything else is just running off teh wireless... thanks for the help...

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I'm not sure on the speakers as they are a roommate's, but at home I have a set of Bose that work fine. The picture wouldn't be that impressive as all that's connected to the Airport are the speaker jack, ethernet cable and power supply. I would however recommended getting a docking station, I find it gives a few more placement options.

So would an extension cord.

And yes, the APX accepts the standard stereo mini plug (same as headphones and crappy computer speakers), it also accepts an optical cable in case you have it attached to a receiver.

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