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St. FX wins CIS championship

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I was at every game of the tournament. It was good hockey, no bull shit, pardon the language.

I don't like teams that where full face masks!

X's goalie, Mike Mole was incredible the whole tournament, giving up 2 goals in 3 games! Chris Stanley, All Canadian and CIS MVP played with good players that made him look good.

Every game had a fair sized crowd, esp. the UNB games. UNB's game against Alberta was one of the best hockey games ever, and to beat and unbeated team in OT was something. I really didn't like Alberta, since in the Ceremonial faceoff against UNB he won the faceoff back, little class. Congrats to St. FX and best of luck to Gene Chiarello and his battle with Brain Cancer.

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The UofA had argueably the sickest team in CIS history this year.

They were 40 and 0. So the nationals were to be a cakewalk.

Its 3 straight years that the Bears have gone into the nationals ranked 1st in the country, and the third straight time they have not won.

They were cocky because they were incredibly good, and it bit them in the ass.

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QandA: How did Blake Robson of St Fx. play? He used to play on the junior team here in town and just seeing how he progressed. Did he not score the Ot winning goal?

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He played pretty good, he didn't really stand out but went from a zero to a hero. I came home and did a little googleing and found out that most players were pretty premiere junior players. Derek Dolson of York was ranked 5th best goalie in his draft year, Reg Bourcier played in the "O." Ryan Lindsay, UNB captain was captain in the OHL so was Burgoyne of UNB. Patrick Grandmaitre and Mike Bartone for X were 2 of my favorite players, both played junior. Every player for UofA played in the WHL with the exception of 2 players. However UofA downfall was cockiness, show in the ceremonial faceoff against UNB and their goaltending. It comes down to recruiting and thats that.

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Derek Dolson used to play for the Oshawa Generals when I had season tickets, amazing goalie. I really think that U of A could compete with some of the NCAA teams. Also the last game was AMAZING! watched the whole thing, excellent game, can't wait untill next year!.

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NCAA and CIS are basically the same caliber. They play exhibition games every so often and the scores seem to be tight and the win loss records seem to be the same. CIS hockey is quite underrated.

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