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How Should the Glove Feel?

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I have a question concerning the feel of the catcher. I picked up playing hockey at 30, and now I want to try playing in net. Long story short, my friend left a complete set of gear for me to use. He has almost three complete sets. He is letting me use the gear to give it a go. I have played three times, and I love it. I am seriously looking at getting a few lessons and fine tune the craft. He has offered to sell some of the gear to me. The pads, blocker, and glove are one55's, the C/A is a Mission Helium Pro, and the pants are Itech Reflex.

I have no desire to purchase any of the one55's. I have been trying to break the glove in by steaming it, and it is stiff. I have a hard time opening it, and when I go to cover the puck, the glove closes up leaving the exposed. How should a glove feel? Should it, eventually, be like a well broken in baseball glove? There isn't any goalie equipment in the shops around here to get a feel for.

Also, I plan on playing rec league goalie & pick-up games. How does the C/A compare? Should I upgrade, or is it worthy?

Many thanks!

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Some gloves are meant to feel and play like baseball gloves; others are a different beast entirely. It's personal preference, but generally speaking, the cheaper the glove, the worse it'll feel - and the One55 is a pretty low-level set of senior gear.

The Helium Pro is a fairly good C/A - nothing fabulous, but well-made and often underrated. If it fits well (and that's a big if) it'll hold up against most shooters, but if you end up tending net for a skate where most people have played serious junior or college hockey, it might be time to upgrade.

What version of the Reflex (5? 7? 9?) are the Itech pants? Again, not the most popular design, but nothing to sniff at, necessarily.

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I'd stuff a softball or set of rags in the catcher and bundle it up in between games. I've never had a catcher feel as broken in as a baseball glove, but that's OK. Key is that it isn't fighting you. You will discover that your catching hand is more "active" in flexing the glove than when you play baseball/softball, but it's normal.

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Thanks for the replies. I appreciate it.

I'm enjoying playing. I'm letting in a dozen+ goals a game, but I'm stopping more than I let in. Which, I guess, is nice.

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If you're enjoying it, you're playing well.

Once you start feeling good and comfortable, try to find a goalie clinic in your area. I'm not generally a huge advocate (most are over-priced, under-equipped, ill-educated, and incredibly bad at teaching) but everyone should do one once, just for fun.

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Thanks for the replies. I appreciate it.

I'm enjoying playing. I'm letting in a dozen+ goals a game, but I'm stopping more than I let in. Which, I guess, is nice.

Just so you know, I'm selling all of my goalie equipment. I haven't posted anything here yest as it's on craiglist, Kijiji and another local for sale website and prefer to sell locally but I've got good gloves for sale for exemple. They are Vortek VK5 NHL legal. They've been used about 40 times at the most, still in great shape, very freaking light and broken in. No tears, nicks or anything. Just puck marks. I've got other stuff too. Anyway, hit me up with a pm if you are looking for something in particular and we could possibly work something out.

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