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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vapor x20 skates

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If they fit well I'd go with the XXV's not to soft not too stiff. Also depends on your size. Someone bigger is going to break down cheaper skates faster.

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If they fit well I'd go with the XXV's not to soft not too stiff. Also depends on your size. Someone bigger is going to break down cheaper skates faster.

comparing XXV to X20?? they compare to the X40

also sometimes cheaper is all some people want/able to spend. that said, @ProHockeyLife if you were to go with the X30, the XXV's are the same price but you'll be limited in size selection.

i'd also agree that the LS2 is a better holder than the LSpro. but for a beginner X20 are still decent. you just need to realistically evaluate your needs as to how much they'll get used, how long you plan to keep them, if you're thinking of upgrading in the future etc.

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If they fit well I'd go with the XXV's not to soft not too stiff. Also depends on your size. Someone bigger is going to break down cheaper skates faster.

comparing XXV to X20?? they compare to the X40

also sometimes cheaper is all some people want/able to spend. that said, @ProHockeyLife if you were to go with the X30, the XXV's are the same price but you'll be limited in size selection.

i'd also agree that the LS2 is a better holder than the LSpro. but for a beginner X20 are still decent. you just need to realistically evaluate your needs as to how much they'll get used, how long you plan to keep them, if you're thinking of upgrading in the future etc.

if he can find his size most xxv's are down to 99bux. (Its usually best to buy last years model because you can spend less and get a better skate)

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if he can find his size most xxv's are down to 99bux. (Its usually best to buy last years model because you can spend less and get a better skate)

maybe in the states; in Canada, i've never seen XXV's that low anywhere

and where I am, the LHS's rarely mark down old stock in my experience

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