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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Colorado Thunderbirds

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Anyone play for them/have played them THIS YEAR?

We play them this weekend, last night this morning, and tonight.

They are a pretty good team, just wondering if anyone has any experience with them?

BTW, I play for the Phoenix Mustangs...

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We played them last year at the major bantam level...with 2 lines we lost to them 3-1..and we are only a district team (Ottawa Sting). I didn't think they were anything special at all, with a full healthy team I sincerly believe we could beat them with ease.

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We're playing bantam AAA..

and quilty14, obviously, that isn't the same team. at least now, they are known to be a top team in America.

The games ended up my team winning once(2-0), they beat us once(4-3), and we tied twice(3-3) and (4-4).

p.s. blazer, i didnt' recieve a pm.

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