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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate fit help please

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I don't know about the volume but I know Easton has changed the size a bit in the newer line of skates. Where before I would fit nicely into an 8, I now need to go to and 81/2 boot as the 8 is too tight and my big toe touches the toe cap. I've heard the volume or width in their skates has increased slightly as well but I haven't tried any of the newer models on yet so don't quote me on that. The only way to be sure is to go try a few pairs on and judge what's most comfortable for you. I would also take the previous posters suggestion and try the Bauer Supremes while you're at a LHS, they have a very nice fit and are available in D and E widths.

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How about ccm's? And does anybody know if the new stealth line has as much volume as the old ones?

I used to skate in ccm v06s before I picked up my current pair of vapor XXVs and from my point of view they have a bit wider heel pocket, less room in the toe and forefoot and similar width (xxvs are EE, v06s are E). I feel the XXVs fit my foot better which had depth and width issues with the vectors which resulted in a lot of arch cramps and cut off blood flow from them being too tight. However the improved feel I have with the Bauer's could also be due to it being a much better skate all in all. I have read several times on these boards that the vector line has good depth and is a wide boot (more so than the vapors) so take my word for what it is worth, my very own experience from trying them on and skating with them.

Your best bet would be to go to your LHS and try on the different models. Don't lie to yourself about the cooler looking pair maybe fitting better even if it is not the case. A well fit pair of skates is money. Take your time.

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