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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shift 2 fitting

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So I got my Shift 2's in the mail a few weeks ago. Gave them a bake and thought "Right, they fit just like my Shift 1's. Let's try these out". Went for a skate and pain hits me after an hour. I thought "Nothing big, should be fine". Big mistake. For the first time in years, my foot were covered in blisters when I took them off, especially a big one on my left foot, at the base of my big toe where it rubs against the edge of the toe cap. Again thought "they'll heal. Rebake again once they have". Blisters healed, rebaked and boom, tried them on for a game and it was even worse. The place where I had my huge blister before had started bleeding. So in short...

Everytime I stick my left skate on, it's sore at the edge where the toe cap meets the big toe regardless of having a blister or not. I've rebaked them twice and it's still there. Had no problems with that on my Shift 1's. Anyways of fixing this problem?

Oh and just to be curious... has anyone had skin peel off when tying skates? I've peeled quite a bit on my fingers while tying the Shift 2's.

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The shift 2's were supposed to fit different from the shift 1's. From my experience you had to go UP half a size to get a similar fit in length. Also, they increased the volume of the skate.

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I've felt the difference in fit and volume and I instantly fell in love with the Shift 2's for it. Can't put my head around why my left skate fits differently to my right, even after baking. Both of my feet are mostly symmetrical. I'll try a 3rd rebake at some point and see how it goes

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You know it's funny you should post this because I just noticed a similar problem on my left skate with the Shift 2's. It's the same area too. Right where the toe cap starts. It's too hard to see what's actually going on in there but I think I fixed my problem. Mine seemed to be from the eyelet that is right in that area. I've had these skates for probably about 2 years now and just noticed it when I put them on the other day.

I'd try just reaching in there and seeing if something is sticking out in that area. If it is just push back flush with the rest of the skate and hopefully that fixes the problem.

On another note my Shift 2's took a lot of heating and adjusting to get them anything near as comfortable as my Shift 1's. The 2's didn't have that great heel lock that the 1's had and I had to heat that area and then squeeze the skates before putting my feet in to get a nice lock.

The 2's should fit the same size as the 1's. 1/2 size up isn't correct.

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