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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Skates...Bauer vs. others...

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Alright, this is for those LHS people that know what they're doing fitting skates. I have worn Vapor X's (yeah, they're that old!) for years now. I play rec league hockey now, and last season I developed a bone spur that made it almost impossible to skate by the end of the season because it was at a pressure point in side my boot. Another guy on the team has Vapor X's, and another has the XXXX's, and they both have developed the exact same problem. I had the spur removed, but don't want to buy another skate that causes the same issue. Is this a problem with the Vapors? Do they tear up anybody else's ankles??? I have an average width foot, and besides the ankle issue, the Vapors fit really well. But, if they'll just cause the same problem I'll switch to a different brand, whatever fits best. I was thinking of looking at the Vapor x40 or 60, but I don't know if they'll have the same ankle issues. ANY HELP or suggestions is appreciated on what brand to get next. I'm heading out tonight probably to try on some different skate types.

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disclaimer: I do not work at a LHS.

but I have skated in Vapor 8 skates for almost 10 years. I have a brand new pair of Vapor 10 that I haven't even skated in yet. :)

on a whim and at an unbelievable bargain I bought a pair of Bauer Supreme 70 a few months ago. I had never skated in the Supreme line before. there was quite a bit of difference on ice between the feel of the Supremes and the feel of the Vapors. at first I thought I had made a horrible mistake but I'm starting to get used to them. still wearing my Vapor 8s but working in the 70s.

I never had any experience with the bone spurs and neither have any of my friends who wear Vapors.

the only other skates I have experience with are the Easton Synergy line. I skated in a pair of borrowed Synergy 800 once. very comfortable.

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