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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Does anyone know where I can get some Robocop fabric? I know that J Ennis has it but they only sell it in bulk. I need about 2 square yards so if anyone can help that would be great!

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'Robocop' is generally referred to as Weave Jenpro (which I only mention because the trade names vary), and can be ordered in amounts as small as you like from Nash Sports. They're extremely pleasant, and their shipping is quite reasonable. Nash is the way to go for basic replacement parts and materials. They don't have exotic stuff like goatskin palms, HD115, or HL37, but they do have more than their website suggests.

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'Robocop' is generally referred to as Weave Jenpro (which I only mention because the trade names vary), and can be ordered in amounts as small as you like from Nash Sports. They're extremely pleasant, and their shipping is quite reasonable. Nash is the way to go for basic replacement parts and materials. They don't have exotic stuff like goatskin palms, HD115, or HL37, but they do have more than their website suggests.

Thanks, I did give them a call and an e-mail. It isn't listed on their site but I am glad they have it.

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No worries mate. When I first found them, I was pretty underwhelmed with their online catalogue - I was very pleased to find that it only represented a fraction of what they have available.

If for some reason they don't have it - ie. don't have your colour - try Scott Battram at battram.com. He has damn near every colour in the universe, and extremely favourable relationships with his suppliers. Great guy.

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