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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. How about the one fan in the stands with a cow bell? Rofl, I just kept yelling out from the net, "MORE COW BELL, WE NEED MORE COW BELL!"
  2. I loved these and I owned one for 10 years but they were a bust
  3. I miss playing up in Canada. Even the quality level of stores can't be beat! I went into a local store (Total Hockey) the other day and asked if they knew where I could by some Jenpro or Robocop for my pads. They looked at me and said, "You mean the cop that twirls the gun?" After shaking my head I pointed to the 40 pairs of pads they had and said, "No, that is what your pads are made of". I still got the deer in headlights look and I just walked out. Law pointed me in the right direction but it is so frustrating to not be able to have a good local shop. There are two stores in the area and they only carry Vaughn, RBK and Bauer, with most of those being the cheap overseas pads.
  4. If it weren't for the concussions, I'd be able to agree with you. :( There are times I can't tell my ass from my elbow; so I spend all day, like Rodin's Thinker, sitting on my elbow until I figure it out. Or the days I fart and git dizzy,.. I get hit in the head every time I play,.. Might be because my head is at crossbar height in the butterfly hehe.
  5. Racine was in camp most of the time, No it is a ReidiC with a custom paint job.
  6. This was 8 years ago at the Blues camp. Where does the time go?
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