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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Google Voice?

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Hey, I don't know if anyone has heard of this yet. I just got my invite from google voice the other day and got my account set up last night. Anyways here is my question. When someone texts my google voice number it only goes to my google voice account and NOT to my phone. This is a pain. I have my device set as mobile, and also the box checked for sms messages to get forwarded to my mobile phone. I have tried doing everything and searching google, and I still can't find the answer. I just want to read messages on my mobile phone when someone texts my google number. Any help would be appreciated, thanks a lot.

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Yea I dont know what to do, everyone I talk to says theirs works. My friend even looked at my settings, same as his. He recieves texts I don't. He has a blackberry on spring I have an HTC touch diamond on Altell.

Is there anyway I can talk to anyone at google live? I am assuming not because this is a free service.

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