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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate choice - maximizing knee bend

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My son is 10 and growing quickly. He is 5' right now. As he grows it becomes apparent that he becomes a bit awkward during growth spurts. One thing that is most evident is that he begins to stand up out of power turns, pivots etc...Overall he just seems to play more upright. He is due for ANOTHER pair of skates, currently in one75's.

I am more curious to hear thoughts on pitch as it relates to knee bend and also learn what skates do offer greater pitch if that is a potential solution.


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I cannot comment on specific skates, However, I've found that the addition of superfeet into my old Missions, and then into my new Flexlite's a forces me to bend at my knees more.

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My son is 10 and growing quickly. He is 5' right now. As he grows it becomes apparent that he becomes a bit awkward during growth spurts. One thing that is most evident is that he begins to stand up out of power turns, pivots etc...Overall he just seems to play more upright. He is due for ANOTHER pair of skates, currently in one75's.

I am more curious to hear thoughts on pitch as it relates to knee bend and also learn what skates do offer greater pitch if that is a potential solution.


have you tried adding some heel lift? or maybe yes, a superfeet should be good for leaning a bit forward.. i had one75 and its stance is different from vapor line.. i'm skating a bit upright now.. but as the time go on, the boot itself will breaking in and allow more knee bend.well that's my experience. Hope it can help you.

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