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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sher-Wood T-90

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The Sher-Wood/TPS website is slowly being updated. There is a note on it about a new stick, the T-90, that should be released in "late October." I still haven't heard anything about it. Anybody have any information they can share? Is a new catalog coming out? I'm particularly curious about whether the T-90 will be available as a tapered shaft, whether the blade will be available separately, and whether the long hosel tapered 950 blade will remain available going forward.

Thanks for any info.

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The Sher-Wood/TPS website is slowly being updated. There is a note on it about a new stick, the T-90, that should be released in "late October." I still haven't heard anything about it. Anybody have any information they can share? Is a new catalog coming out? I'm particularly curious about whether the T-90 will be available as a tapered shaft, whether the blade will be available separately, and whether the long hosel tapered 950 blade will remain available going forward.

Thanks for any info.

Not sure about the new stick but so far, the other company www.sbkhockey.com has kinda same product but better. Their DK21 stick is very good. Light, nice kickpoint and flex. Been using and abusing mine for about a year. It;s still is going strong. Sher-Wood sticks definitely are worse. Couldn't play with anyone of them

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I've been using Momentum Comp Tapers for a couple of years and love them, so I at least want to take a look at the T90 before I go another direction. I also love the 950 blade.

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