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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates opinions

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I am new to the forum and this my first post. I currently own a pair of CCM tacks which are starting to show there age. I looking to buy a new pair of skates and have decided between either the Bauer Vapor XXII or Easton Synergy SE10. Both skates are on sale and they both seem to feel the same when I try them on. Which would be the better skate for performance and durabilty or would they be equal. I would just be using them for shinny and recreational so would not be to hard on them.

I have not bought skates in 10 years and it seems alot has changed and looking for some opinions.


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Both of those skates are perfect for rec hockey, even competitive hockey. You mentioned that they both 'seem' to fit the same. However, I would go back and try them on again and walk around in each for about 15 minutes and get the one that truely feels the best. The Eastons have a flatter sole which are usually better for people with a low arch or flat feet. The Vapors have more of an arch in the sole. I suspect that one of these skates will cause some discomfort after a while depending on your feet.

Hope this helps.

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These feel the same when you try them on???

Funny, I didn't think they were even close - totally different fit for me...guess you have a much more generic foot shape.

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You're thinking of the wrong generation of eastons. The 1500c, 1200c, 800c ect. Is the one with the huge issues. SE10's are the current skate and are fine.

If the tacks were a good fit I expect that the eastons will be a much better fit for you. If you go with the vapors with a flatter foot and a possibly wide forefoot like the tacks had, you will be back on here asking what you can do to fix the fit of your skates. Go back and spend a good bit more time trying skates on, they are quite different fits and it's very doubtful both will actually be comfortable long term.

As for the skates themselves, I'm of the opinion that the Se10 is pretty much the best value you can get in a skate. It's a one piece composite shell, the exact same as the top end eastons, just with glass fiber instead of carbon and tellaxium, with downgraded liner and steel. It'll be stiff and remain stiff much longer then comparable skates.

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Thanks everyone for the help and suggestions. I will probably go back and try both skates on today and see which one is more comfortable after 15 minutes or so. I am leaning more towards the easton but will see.

Thanks again..

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I went with the Easton s10. They were the best fit. I have a question on sizing. I have a shoe size of 9.5 and my CCM tacks were skate size 8. They fit like a glove. However I went with size 8.5 in the Easton as the size 8 felt a little tight. The sales rep was mentioning that it is common for professional players to go 2-3 sizes smaller in skates. Is this true?. What is the proper fit for a pair of skates. Is it best to have a smaller size in skates or as close as possible to the correct shoe size. I am thinking perhaps I should have bought the size 8 even if they felt abit tight. I am not sure what the advantage would be in going smaller if it means your feet hurt everytime you lace up..

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Some people do like a very tight fit while others don't. It's very subjective. My suggestion is that if an 8 in the Eastons felt too tight then I think you made the right call with the 8.5's. The one thing about a one piece composite boot is that it does not stretch at all. How it fits is how it fits. Heat molding them will obviously help mold the padding inside to your foot, but it's not going to stretch. The S10's are a great skate for the money they are selling for right now.

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Some people do like a very tight fit while others don't. It's very subjective. My suggestion is that if an 8 in the Eastons felt too tight then I think you made the right call with the 8.5's. The one thing about a one piece composite boot is that it does not stretch at all. How it fits is how it fits. Heat molding them will obviously help mold the padding inside to your foot, but it's not going to stretch. The S10's are a great skate for the money they are selling for right now.

Quoted for truth...

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