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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rink Rat

Skates and sticks

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Currently I have NBH XXVs and they're alright, but I'm looking for more. I'm trying to decide between X:60s and One95s (pro stock or not?). I've heard that the '09 X:60s were better than the '08 One95s, but I don't know, that's why I'm asking. I wear a 11.5 EE in my current skates, but before I get any new ones I'm gonna measure my foot again. I'm sort of a power forward, and I need a skate that I can retain my quickness in.

About sticks, I've got an old XXXX that has a blade which is falling apart from the toe. I'm currently deciding between the X:60, One95, and SE16. I mainly care about puck feel and wrist shot/snap shot.

Any input is appreciated! :D

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Currently I have NBH XXVs and they're alright, but I'm looking for more. I'm trying to decide between X:60s and One95s (pro stock or not?). I've heard that the '09 X:60s were better than the '08 One95s, but I don't know, that's why I'm asking. I wear a 11.5 EE in my current skates, but before I get any new ones I'm gonna measure my foot again. I'm sort of a power forward, and I need a skate that I can retain my quickness in.

About sticks, I've got an old XXXX that has a blade which is falling apart from the toe. I'm currently deciding between the X:60, One95, and SE16. I mainly care about puck feel and wrist shot/snap shot.

Any input is appreciated! :D

If the vapors fit you fine, why not stick with the vapor line? As for the sticks, I've yet to use a X:60, but between the One95 and SE16, I'd go with the One95. I really think its the best all around stick on the market. I really love the puck feel of the one95, I can't imagine the x60 being any better.

a side note, i'm guessing you go to Huron high. what year are you? I graduated back in 04.

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The one95 to me seemed like the best shooters stick, with it my shot felt so much better. Its also rock solid and lasts a pretty long time too, cant go wrong with it.

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Currently I have NBH XXVs and they're alright, but I'm looking for more. I'm trying to decide between X:60s and One95s (pro stock or not?). I've heard that the '09 X:60s were better than the '08 One95s, but I don't know, that's why I'm asking. I wear a 11.5 EE in my current skates, but before I get any new ones I'm gonna measure my foot again. I'm sort of a power forward, and I need a skate that I can retain my quickness in.

About sticks, I've got an old XXXX that has a blade which is falling apart from the toe. I'm currently deciding between the X:60, One95, and SE16. I mainly care about puck feel and wrist shot/snap shot.

Any input is appreciated! :D

If the vapors fit you fine, why not stick with the vapor line? As for the sticks, I've yet to use a X:60, but between the One95 and SE16, I'd go with the One95. I really think its the best all around stick on the market. I really love the puck feel of the one95, I can't imagine the x60 being any better.

a side note, i'm guessing you go to Huron high. what year are you? I graduated back in 04.

Yup, class of '12. Did you play hockey?

The one95 to me seemed like the best shooters stick, with it my shot felt so much better. Its also rock solid and lasts a pretty long time too, cant go wrong with it.

That's what I thought until I read a review of a kid saying it didn't have good puck feel. I should stop letting one review sway my thoughts lol

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Currently I have NBH XXVs and they're alright, but I'm looking for more. I'm trying to decide between X:60s and One95s (pro stock or not?). I've heard that the '09 X:60s were better than the '08 One95s, but I don't know, that's why I'm asking. I wear a 11.5 EE in my current skates, but before I get any new ones I'm gonna measure my foot again. I'm sort of a power forward, and I need a skate that I can retain my quickness in.

About sticks, I've got an old XXXX that has a blade which is falling apart from the toe. I'm currently deciding between the X:60, One95, and SE16. I mainly care about puck feel and wrist shot/snap shot.

Any input is appreciated! :D

If the vapors fit you fine, why not stick with the vapor line? As for the sticks, I've yet to use a X:60, but between the One95 and SE16, I'd go with the One95. I really think its the best all around stick on the market. I really love the puck feel of the one95, I can't imagine the x60 being any better.

a side note, i'm guessing you go to Huron high. what year are you? I graduated back in 04.

Yup, class of '12. Did you play hockey?

Nah, didn't play at Huron, parents wouldn't let me and made me focus on academics. Guess they were right, considering I'm in grad school at a top 10 university. Anyways how's the River Rats hockey program these days? You guys are at least beating Pioneer regularly right?

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