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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lie Help

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I just got a Modo curve and I am liking it, I find that I can control the height of my shots more effectively with the curve. I taped it up and started shooting around and noticed that the heel had next to no wear on it meaning that the lie is too low for me but since I prefer longer sticks I think adding length to my stick will help balance my lie issue. I was thinking about adding a wood plug to my stick, basicly I want the Modo curve which is a lie 5 to be at a 5.5 lie so the whole blade can wear evenly. So does anyone know how much wood to add to the stick to turn a lie 5 to a lie 5.5 (inches).


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Nobody can answer that question correctly except you. It depends on many factors like how much you bend over when you skate, where you position your hands, how much you bend your knees, how much you choke up on the stick, etc., etc. Just wear your skates and position yourself like how you would if you were on the ice. Then feel out how much length you need so that the blade is balanced evenly on the floor. Use a puck and stickhandle for a bit to see if it's comfortable.

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