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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best skates ever

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Those that have never had the experience of skating on a perfectly broken in stitched leather boot will never know what a joy it is to have skates that literally "fit like a glove".

Definitely need to seperate the boot styles....Like you said, the modern boots are stiff and fit "pretty well" out of the box - after baking - but they will never, ever completely form to all the little bumps and curves of your feet. If the skate companies want to take the next step in technology they need to forget the flashy crap and make a boot that will fit like that well fitted and broken in leather boot.... AND LAST MORE THAN A SEASON OR TWO. Would be nice to offer the 1/4 sizes and different widths to the public in a way that is easier to get.... You either make one boot and try to convince everyone that it will fit all, or you make one that you really can get them to fit the individual. The stitched boot allowed them build it very close to your foot profile and the break in did the rest. There is no custom last used for todays boots... best case is a custom with quarter sizes and it's still hit or miss if they get it right... A fellow Ref just got in some custom CCM U+ that are too small - 10 3/4's forget the widths!!! It never used to be an issue getting a custom boot that fit right - now what is wrong with that statement?

Ok... off my soapbox. This subject is a bit of a sore spot for me (Literally and figuratively)...


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I have a pretty fresh pair of pureflys. I just need to get some formula steel or swap holders bc some simpleton ruined my steel beyond repair.

have a pair of pureflys with pitch on the for sale form that i might just keep but i have too many pairs. so rankings to date:

1) one95 (best ever!)

2) bauer air 90s (i think they are the same as 10-90)

3) purefly (if they were little deeper/wider they'd be number 1)

just a quick question which grafs are closest fit to one95s?

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