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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rink Rat

Help! My knee feels messed up...

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I had a game against a really strong high school team yesterday and I took a hit from a shorter guy (I am 6'3") right to my left quad (he was low and his shoulder made contact with my quad). It took me out quick and I had to limp to the bench. I knew my knee felt weird but I didn't think much of it. I stretched out my quad and my trainer put some icy hot on it and after a few shifts I was back out there. The muscle is still pretty sore, but my knee feels "dislocated". I can walk on it fine, but it just doesn't feel balanced with my right knee and when I move it any other way it hurts. Heeelp! :(

EDIT: After doing a bit of research it sounds like a mild knee sprain.

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