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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Visor installation

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Just spent some time putting my new HS22 pro wave itech visor on my Bauer 4000 (pre NBH bauer 4000). I had to push out the sids of my helmet as it bowed in some- most likely from being old. My only other visor experience has been with the DLC which fit much further away from the face.

For those with HS22 pro wave or familiar with the non-vent visor styles, how close do they fit to your face? If I try to slide my finger between my nose and the visor I can not get it through (point of reference- the only part of my nose exposed with the visor is the point. If this is too screwy of a question I can clarify as needed.

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I have a hs22 straight and like it all the way out, although it doesnt look at bad as gorges..his seems a lot further away than mine. It's really personal preference. When i got the visor I intended on having it close to my face...but after a while it would just keep fogging up or getting in the way.

My first few times i didn't tighten the screws all the way so i could adjust the visor as needed, when i found the right position, i just tightened them, and all is well now.

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My visor is fit close to my face with the screws all the way to the back (so, I made it go as far from my face as possible and it's still close). I thought I'd have more of an option to play with how close/far I want. Is that usually not the case?

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my prowave's like a lil before the end, i like it pretty close to my face but my nose is still covered, i have more trouble trying to line up the notched area to my nose, its still a little off

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