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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Itech HX-50 Visor...

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I bought an Itech HX-50 at Sportschek today (they had a no tax sale). It's the one with the cage frame and the removeable 1/2 visor...the one the CHL uses on all its players. I tried to put it on my Bauer 4000, and I don't like the way it fits. you almost have to force it into position. Once you tighten the straps and make it fit into the side clips, it pushs the temples of the helmet in to the point that it is

wa-a-a-ay to tight. I could barely get the thing on.

I think I am just going to return it and put my cheap Leader back on.

Anyone else experienced this with this Helmet/Visor combo.

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It won't go in easily...I know the way it should swing "closed" and it doesn't. It hits up againt the edge of the "J" clips...and won't swing into place, it's like they are too thick. If they were flatter (like the old metal ones) I think it would fit perfectly.

Actually there is another issue. It is heavier than my current visor and I find it pulls the helmet down unto the bridge of my nose. I don't think it would be comfortable in a game stituation.

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It won't go in easily...I know the way it should swing "closed" and it doesn't. It hits up againt the edge of the "J" clips...and won't swing into place, it's like they are too thick. If they were flatter (like the old metal ones) I think it would fit perfectly.

Actually there is another issue. It is heavier than my current visor and I find it pulls the helmet down unto the bridge of my nose. I don't think it would be comfortable in a game stituation.

I have the same visor on a Jofa 690 and haven't had any problems with it at all. The Jofa helmet is a very light helmet too, so I would think that if the mask were to be that heavy then I would have the same problem (bridge of the nose problem). It actually sounds like your helmet might be looser than it should be. Your helmet should be snug and still allow some movement but not so much that it can fall that far forward with just a little extra weight.

The mask is supposed to be universal so its understandable that it might be a little off for your helmet size b/c it has to fit helmets of many sizes. It can't fit them all absolutely perfectly with the equal gaps on every helmet size. It's just not ever going to happen. The fit difference is more visible than your standard plastic shield because the metal portion of the mask prevents it from just bending itself in to shape.

It's a great mask that sits a little further from your face for greater visibility but with all the protection of regular masks. Plus, replacements for the mask can be had at some pretty cheap prices compared to other face shields. If metal clips would help, you can probably ask the shop you purchased the mask at for a pair. I am sure they probably have them. If not, let me know and I can find a pair in my repair stash somewhere to send you. I have a Cooper setup that I am about to tear down and I am sure I can pull the pair from it.

Good luck.

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I think I am going to return it and look into an Oakley Aviator. It has roughly the same shape as the Itech, but it attachs to the side of the helmet without all the extra parts. I hear they are fantastic as well...thanks for your help though.

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