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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tuuk vs cobra holders

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So i know that almost everyone says tuuks are better than cobra holders, i am thinking of switching out my cobra holders on my grafs for tuuks. just wondering what the benefits are for the tuuks? i know that the cobra holders have more of a forward pitch, but what will be the benefits that the tuuks will give me?

Any help would be great, thanks.

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Better stock steel, for one. I know I've heard that Cobra's are the stiffest out there, but over time I still like the TUUK LS2s. A 3mm heel lift will put you back to the pitch of your Cobra's, so will a good profiling.

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Ive skated on both holders with Graf skates and I just stick with the cobras, I just lke the the feel and the pitch better I guess. And if youre worried about someone not having steel you should just look into buying a couple extra pieces and carrying them with you, just my PP

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