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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sizing a Chest Protector

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Ive played goal my whole life, been in and out occassionaly over the last 5-6 years and and now need a new chest protector... how do you size these things up? I am 5'8 so short and stocky. These things look huge now! I need something that would not restrain my mobility. Any suggestions

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I think you'll be a Small or Medium in most brands. I'm sorry that's all I can say for you, but all the companies' sizes run differently, you've got to try stuff on. As far as mobility goes, getting a good fit determines how mobile you can be. For the most part, one C/A won't be more mobile than another for everyone, but it will be for someone it fits well.

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tried on some rbk's last night.... fit great in the chest and stomach area... the arms, wow... built for someone a LOT taller than me

I get the same sense with the Reeboks, the arms seem to just sag really low.

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quick update...

I took an older pair of shoulder pads and cut away the chest portion. I then placed this chest portion at the bottom of my C/A and sewed it into the C/A. I then took high density foam, cut out the exact shape and wrapped in a tee shirt. I sewed the high density foam to the extended portion that I added earlier... PERFECT! I had three slapshots right to the spot where I have a huge welt from the other night and while it def stung a bit there were no marks. It's clearly not as protective as what I SHOULD be playing with but we're in a recession right? I'll snap some pics and see how many people will yell at me and tell me I am insane.

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