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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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704's vs. 8090

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I am in the market for new skates, and im looking at either Graf 704's or Bauer 8090's. Out of the 2 which boot is a) stiffer b] lighter c) more comfortable and d) the best value. Thanks for the help.

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what are u currently using?

A very good question considering those two boots fit differently.

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Easton UL Pro SBX... the owner of Players Bench here noticed that the heels of my boot were getting creases in them, and I had noticed my stance being a bit off in my first couple ice times this year, and he thinks that the boot was not strong enough for my size (6'2, 265) and that the boot was wearing a bit thin. Ive had these skates for over a year and I was going to get new Tuuks on them but its not worth the $130 for lightspeeds so I am looking at those 2 skates because here they are about $75 more than my current skates, and these are going to be my last skates for a while so I am hoping to get a really good pair.

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because your a bigger guy (compared to myself), i would recommend the Bauers. It also depends alot on what your foot shape is like. For example, my foot is narrow so ive never been able to wear any bauer skate comfortably. When i think of Graf now, i think of narrower feet (which is what i use currently).

The value aspect, I believe Grafs will hold their value longer than the Bauers....but thats just from what ive seen.

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Also I may add that I have a very wide foot. My current boot is a size 12 E width. I have worn Bauer comfortable in the past and tried the Graf's on last year, they were good for width.

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Okay, thanks for the advice... I was leaning towards the 8090's. They are 30$ more than the Grafs, but I am going to try both on and go with what fits best. Last year I had to order in the skates because they didnt carry that size here :angry:

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ok your wide but howd your depth though, when u try the 704/703 on do you notice your foot sitting more forward in the boot causing your tongue to have a bump created by your foot, if that happens go with a 705/G5 and if that still happens try on the 707 since that boot is deeper then the 705. The 8090 is a moderately deep boot so you should fit well in either a 705/G5 or a 735/G35 since these 3 boots have similar depths in them where the 704/703 has a much shallower ankle capacity. I have a shallower foot meaning my ankle bone sites more forward meaing I dont need alot of ankel depth to support my ankles. Heres a test too do when trying the grafs on. bring a ruler and when u try them on dont lace them up first run the ruler across the 3rd eyelot and if its flush and not wobbly perfect if its wobbly then its not a good fit and you need a deeper boot.

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seeing that your a big guy, i wouldnt reccomend the 704s because of the Cobra Holders. Im only 5'7 130 lbs and im using hte 704s, and i notice that the steel chips twice as easily as tuuk or lightspeed runners. Both are very high quality skates, i would think its all personal preference.

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seeing that your a big guy, i wouldnt reccomend the 704s because of the Cobra Holders. Im only 5'7 130 lbs and im using hte 704s, and i notice that the steel chips twice as easily as tuuk or lightspeed runners. Both are very high quality skates, i would think its all personal preference.

ok both skates fit completley different and since the 704 is no longer available except whatever stock some stores have he would be better off in a graf 735 or 705 since those two boots fit depth wise identical to the bauer 8090. thats why i asked him to check with a ruler if theres any wobbly. Oh also forgot to mention if u can get more then a finger back there then its too deep u only want to get abit of ur finger not a whole finger

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seeing that your a big guy, i wouldnt reccomend the 704s because of the Cobra Holders. Im only 5'7 130 lbs and im using hte 704s, and i notice that the steel chips twice as easily as tuuk or lightspeed runners. Both are very high quality skates, i would think its all personal preference.

The cobra is a very solid and stable holder, probably more solid than anything other than an ICM, but the steel just doesn't hold up well. If they clear up the steel problem it would make a huge difference.

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I went yesterday and tried on the 8090 and the 705's. The graf was a size 11 wide, and they were too narrow... and yes I found that the boot was not deep, and my foot/ankel did not fit well in them. I tried on a size 10.5 EE 8090, and the width was perfect. Players Bench has an 11.5 8090 coming in on order this week for someone else and I am going to try that on before he sells them to the other guy and if they fit thats what I am getting.

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