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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey stick length

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Would the rocker explain with even with a lower Sakic lie, I still get crazy wear on my heel? I think it's from skating with once hand on my stick cause it is the exact same spot as with my lie 6. Puck handling and shots seem better with the lower lie, but still that one tiny area of the heel always goes first. It's pretty much the furtherest point of the back of the blade on the heel that wears the quickest. Maybe I should go to a lie 4. I can't get use to cutting the stick shorter; I feel like I can't check anyone or get the puck when I do that.

While we are on the lie discussion, I have always wondered why even using a low lie sakic/p92 i always got some heel tape wear, this is from the Easton 2013 catalog and kind of answers my question.


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Itll be hard to find a lie 4. Warrior does not make them anymore I believe.

Chadd's right. The Bauer 6 and Warrior 5 are the same. The CCM/RBK 6 is really close to a Bauer or Easton 5 or Warrior 4. Just line up the shafts and you can see for yourself. Obviously blade rocker and the method for measuring lie play into the discrepancies.

I find ccm on par with easton for Sakic clones (The Sakic open a bit a more and has more curve at the toe than the ccm 164-1, thats why it might look like a higher lie, but it really isnt).

As far as warrior goes, just look down.

CCM 164-1 (5.5-6 I believe) and Draper lie 4.



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