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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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laptop help please?

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first off merry christmas! my laptop will only open windows if i boot in safe mode. if i try to start normally after the little green loading bar is done the screen turns off for a second and then just goes black. any one have any ideas? sorry im not very good with comps

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could be a number of things, depending on what your exactly doing. If it correctly loads to windows (IE, goes through the boot sequence and DOESNT automatically reboot) There's a good chance your video settings are either too high or not set correctly. What it then does is sets it to those values, then since the screen can't display it, it just stays dark.

Did you put a new video card in recently, or update drivers on it?

First and foremost though, if you can log into safe mode, get back in and backup all data to a flash drive, just in case.

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thanks but nothing will work...i even tried to load the windows cd just to start from scratch and it wont even read the disk....some crazy virus? if i take it to a shop can they clear everything if it wont read a disk or am i screwed? thnx

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