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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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helmet for 4yr. old?

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my daughter wants to go ice skating. all i have is her bicycle helmet which is not suited for this activity. i was looking at skateboarding helmets which have better coverage.

this web site has good analysis for helmets. http://www.bhsi.org/other.htm#ice

i was looking at this one: http://www.bernunlimited.com/2008/nina.html

do hockey helmet makers design ones for little kids?

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get what ever fits her best. bauer has one i can't recall what it is though. when my son started he wore a bike helmet until i was able to get a ccm ht2 with a cage. if you go with a hockey helmet i suggest getting a cage as well to keep her face off the ice when she falls.

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