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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skateblade question

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I've played roller for years and am new to ice hockey

My question is I've heard ice skate blades can have different 'curves' to them, do players seek out different blade curve based on position?

The reason I ask is I have a pair of Vapor XXXXs, which I hear are pitched forward abit, or more aggressive? (this is a question, as I'm not sure)

Do defensemen get their blade curve changed so they're less on their toes? or less curve so they're more stable? Is this a frequent thing or a rare request for a LHS (to grind the blade to a different curve)?

Thanks for your help :D

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The general rule is that Dmen usually get a larger radius meaning they will have more blade on the ice while Fwd's have a smaller radius.

I suggest to go with something that you're comfortable with and not go by this general rule. It will take some time to find what you like.

With a shorter radius, you become more agile making tight turns easier while a larger radius allows for faster speeds.

Also, some people get a mix of radius (i.e 9ft in the front and 10ft in the back).

I have the stock radius of the Bauer Vapor X:40 and I find it to be good for me. I believe it's a 9ft radius.

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You may want to search the ice hockey equipment forum. Using the terms, profile, profiling or radius will return a number of results that should help you.

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