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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Advice

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Hi Guys,

Newbie here. Great forum.

Need some advice. I bought a Synergy ST 85 flex stick on ebay, but the seller sent me a SE16 100 flex. He hasnt responded to my emails. I believe the se16 has a higher retail value, but I bought the ST for the 85 flex and the purported durability. I'm 5'11" 175 and play forward. Should I make a stink and dispute it with ebay or consider myself lucky and just have at it with the se16? How do the sticks compare? Thanks for the thoughts.


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Thanks for the reply. What do you think about the durability of the se16? Is it inferior to the ST in that respect?


Thanks for your input. My paramount concern is the flex. I'm not sure if the 100 is too high. This is my first easton synergy. Im coming off an old Easton Convex which I believe was 85 flex, so not sure how to handle this. Thanks again for the feedback

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I recommend you continue to get the situation rectified. You paid for the ST so that is what you should have received. Keep trying to contact the seller. Also, start the process with Paypal or eBay to get it handled.

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Even though the SE16 is the better stick, the flex is very important. In my experience, It doesnt matter if you have the best stick in the world, if its a 100 flex while you should be using a 77, then the thing is basically useless

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I opened a dispute with ebay, I'll see how that goes.

In everyone's exeprience how big of a stretch would it be for me, 5'11" 175 forward, to use a 100 flex?

Thanks for all the responses and input.


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I opened a dispute with ebay, I'll see how that goes.

In everyone's exeprience how big of a stretch would it be for me, 5'11" 175 forward, to use a 100 flex?

Thanks for all the responses and input.


That depends on your skill level, strength, and personal preference. I know a bunch of guys your size that use 100 flex sticks, but they are generally higher skilled players that have the strength to get the most out of the 100 flex.

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I opened a dispute with ebay, I'll see how that goes.

In everyone's exeprience how big of a stretch would it be for me, 5'11" 175 forward, to use a 100 flex?

Thanks for all the responses and input.


Did you cut it down at all? The SE16 is rated at 100 only if its cut, I want to say 2"...At full length I think it is around a 90.

I assume you cut it down some if you're 5'11" but thought I'd throw that in there...

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I'd give the 100 a try. I'm close to your size ( a few more pounds due to age ;) ), I was still playing with my old Easton 85 flex shafts from high school until last year. I switched to a Bauer XXXX in 87 thinking it would be the same...by the time I cut it it was 102. Made the switch to the Easton S11 in 100 flex and love it (Ihave the S7 also for rat use, works good). Give the 100 a try, if any of that 175 is muscle you should be OK.

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Eastons of today aren't the same stiffness as the Eastons of yesteryear. For me, a S17 100 flex matches up almost identically in flex to an 87 flex Bauer stick when both are cut to size.

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Thanks for all the input guys.

I'd have to cut it down about 2 inches which, according to the flex ruler printed on the stick, would make it exactly 100 flex. It seems the opinions for keep it versus send it back are pretty even. I'm truly torn myself.

I'll have to wait and see what happens with the ebay dispute process. If I'm not going to get my ST or every dime back then I'll keep the SE16. Its just gonna be hard to play the next few games with my old stick when I have a brand new SE16 sitting here. Oh well I guess this is what I get for buying on ebay and not my local shop.

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Thanks for all the input guys.

I'd have to cut it down about 2 inches which, according to the flex ruler printed on the stick, would make it exactly 100 flex. It seems the opinions for keep it versus send it back are pretty even. I'm truly torn myself.

I'll have to wait and see what happens with the ebay dispute process. If I'm not going to get my ST or every dime back then I'll keep the SE16. Its just gonna be hard to play the next few games with my old stick when I have a brand new SE16 sitting here. Oh well I guess this is what I get for buying on ebay and not my local shop.

At least you learned your lesson (or knew what you were getting into), when you buy from ebay its like throwing darts sometimes. You take your chances. I go by the saying, "if you can't afford to lose you can't afford to win". I don't know what your finanical situation is or how much headache/work you are willing to spend on this unfortunate situation, but I would recommend taking the easy way out and cut off your losses.

From my own personal experiences its quite a bit of headache and hassel trying to chase after ebay/paypal and the seller. Try to flex the S16 at home to see if you can use it, if you can use it keep it. If its too stiff just sell it off when its still brand new.

good luck.

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Hey guys. Sorry to rehash an older topic but thought I'd give an update and ask for some more thoughts.

Just to recap: Bought on Ebay Easton ST 85 flex Sakic. Received SE16 100 Flex Heatley. Seller unresponsive. 5-11, 172 lbs. Well, ebay actually sent me a return shipping label and said that if I ship the SE16 back I'll get a full refund.

Do you think I should send the SE16 back or should I keep? My main concern is the 100 flex. Thoughts?

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I think that this means that Ebay has contacted the seller and the seller agreed to reimburse you provided you sent the stick back. Just make sure that he will reimburse you the stick and shipping. If you send the stick back and don't get reimbursed, contact Ebay again and they will take the necessary steps to have you reimbursed.. provided the guy has money in his paypal account. It happened to me at some point. I bought razor blades and a couple of days after the purchase I went back on the guy's page to read his first feedback comments only to find out that the guy was shipping out fakes. I contacted the seller to have my money back and he never replied back. Contacted Ebay/Paypal and in a matter of a couple of weeks I had my money back and kept the blades which were pretty useless anyway.

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