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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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reebok 8K vs vapor xxxx shoulder pads

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I can't comment on the 8K. I currently am using the Vapor XXXX's. The mobility is really good for the high level of protection. Very satisfied with them.

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Either shoulder pad offers good mobility and protection. The 8K offers a little better protection at the top of the back and kidney areas though and the bicep/tricep pad at the top of the arms is thicker. Still can't really diss the XXXX's, their great shoulder protection as well and very light. I currently use the 8K but have tried the XXXX's and found them more than sufficient for all levels of play and they have the lower profile shoulder covers. It's really up to you, if you can afford the extra $20 for the XXXX's get them. If not the 8K's are still an excellent choice with slightly larger shoulder covers.

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