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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shooting techniques..

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I'm curious to know what you guys do to shoot.

(keep in mind i shoot right handed weight 150 give or take a few pounds, and i'm 6 foot 2, 14 years old.)

Slap: I lean into it as hard as i can and let the stick do the rest.

Wrist: kind of like a sweeping motion like Nedved and then flick my wrist near the end.

Backhand: Get the puck on my stick kind of bend my blad backwards and then flick it up.

Snap: Wind up a little maybe to the middle of my shins or a bit more and then hit the puck hard coming back down.

I want to know what I do wrong and what I do right. My slapshot is good and hard, snap is pretty good but wrist and backhand suck.


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For starters, when you take a wrist shot, the puck should start at the heel of your stick and roll to the toe then come off.

For any shot you take, your follow through will tell you where the puck will end up. This isnt always the case, but basicly where the tip of your stick is pointing on the end of your follow through is where the puck will go. As people change their technique iam sure this may change. Come to think of it, I dont even know what my follow throughs are like.

Of course, to get a good slap shot you want to hit the ice before the puck.

As for my snap shot, I dont even know how I do it, its more of a reflex and reaction for me now, I have no back swing at all. It's my main shot, I dont even take wrist shots unless iam in a practice and I tell myself to do one. Snap shots are quicker to get off in close, so thats what I do.

For my backhand, I usualy only use this on a deke. The frustrating thing about it is, whenever I deke to my backhand a make the golie look like a moron and I have a wide open net, and I miss it because my back hand is crap. If i could just work on that, I would have so many goals.

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I was once given the advice of starting the backhand with the puck at or near the heel, shift my weight and point the toe at the target. With some practice it has worked pretty well for me. Before that I used to try flicking the puck up with the toe of the blade when close in on a deke. That only worked when I had a pattern with more toe on the ice, which I since went away from to a more rockered blade (Drury).

My wrist shots are slow. The only thing good about it is it's somewhat accurate and the puck doesn't wobble or flutter in the air. Heel to toe and no flicking.

For slap shots I make sure to bend my knees, stick the ass out, back almost straight, and get into a stable posture before I wind up. As my weight transfers from back to front, it also momentarily transfers "down" and over top of the puck.

I've recently noticed during my slap shots that I use alot of arm swing and no mid-section. It's probably one reason I'm so inconsistent with them. I'm going to try twisting the torso more (arms should follow) the next time I'm on ice and see how that works out.

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Have your bottom hand really low on the stick when doing a back hand. Basically shovel the puck upstairs.

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If you want to flick your backhand top shelf, I find that it helps to lean my stick away from the puck, thus adding a ton of loft to my backhand side, then shovel it.

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