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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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X100 shield and CCM V08 helmet (Med) compatability?

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Anyone know if the Itech/Bauer X100/DX100 fits a CCM V08 helmet (size medium). The only compatability chart I can find is the one on Hockey Monkey and it says that the X100 only fits small-sized Vectors.

I don't always trust the HM guides and know that the visor may have changed over the years...


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Anyone know if the Itech/Bauer X100/DX100 fits a CCM V08 helmet (size medium). The only compatability chart I can find is the one on Hockey Monkey and it says that the X100 only fits small-sized Vectors.

I don't always trust the HM guides and know that the visor may have changed over the years...


I have a X100 on a LG Bauer 8000...

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