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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Advice Needed

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Hello there,

I am a long time lurker on modsquad and thought I would finally sign up and make a post.

I live in the UK and don't have a local hockey shop that keeps any sort of stock on skates. As such I have to buy my gear online and can not try gear on before I buy it.

Unfortunately I have chronic flat feet, which further complicates the problem.

My shoe size is 9UK, which is 8US I think?

I currently wear Vapor XXXX skates size 7.5D with superfeet inside and skate 2-3 times a week.

The skates are causing me problems in the areas highlighted in red on the first picture below (only on my left foot, the right is fine).

I have also including pics of the pencil test 3 eyelets down (the pen just touches my ankle) and also further down the skate (the pen presses against my foot)






I would like to buy a new pair of skates, as I was in agony wearing these towards the end of last year, if anyone could recommend me a pair of skates it would be much appriciated.

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CCM U+ Pro Reloaded, or CCM U+ Pro 09.

How are your current skates length wise? Most people go down more than just a half size in skates. I wear a US 11.5 shoe, and wear a 8.5/9 size skate.

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Hi, thanks for the reply.

I am probably closer to a 9.5 shoe size. With regards to the skate fit my right foot fits perfectly, while the left foot my toes are curled over at the end, which probably leads to the discomfort.

I imagine a 8.0 bauer would be the best size. As someone who has never skated in ccm skates, how do they compare size wise with bauers?


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US sizes are a full size up- you're a size 10 us.

Probably a C width.

What I would do is measure the length of your foot, and call the place you're ordering from and have them measure the insole on the skate.

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