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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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AK27 Gloves on sale anywhere?

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I like the Warrior AK27 pro gloves, but the $199.00 is too high for me. Anyone know if they're on sale anywhere, or if they're likely to go on sale anytime soon. They're current model gloves, but have been out for a while.

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Maybe 2010 model will be cheaper since it is no longer being made in Canada...

Where did you see that?

I know it doesn't say made in canada in the 2010 cat but it did not say it in the 2009 cat either. I am asking because I am interested in possibly buying a pair.

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he's "in the know", its not something they will advertise if they move production away from canada/usa

Good point.

Any recommendation for a great pair of gloves that are made in Canada or US? DOn't know why it is so important to me, but it is. If I am replacing my 16 year old pro-stock sherwood's it has to be.

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