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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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U+ Pro Problems

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So I've had these skates for about two weeks now and have used them on ice for about 8-9 sessions. The only problems I am having with them is that 1) the circulation in my foot gets cut off... Possibly due to over-tightening and 2) the sole of my foot hurts a lot on ice, almost to the point that I can barely stand up. I am using superfeets but they do not seem to be helping the problem with my sole. Any tips that would be helpful would be great. I did use the search function and was unable to find anything relevant enough to my problems but if you know of another thread that i should use please feel free to redirect me.

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My old Mission skates (first roller skates they sold) used to cut off my circulation after 20 minutes or so. I tried loosening them up but it still happened.

My new Mission Lts dont do it and I have them v tight - I think it might be the skate not fitting your foot right if you have tried them loose and get the same problem.

Not sure about the sole.

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Do you have a really thick foot? Maybe the skate does not have enough depth for you and the laces are pulling across your foot causing the cut off in circulation?

I have U+ pros as well and i find them to be a pretty deep skate (but i have a pretty normal foot depth).

As for the intense arch/sole pain thing, that has happened to me with every skate i have ever had until my foot gets used to them, but it has always gone away after i have skated on the skates several times.

I have really crappy feet though (weak arches/pronation) so i think that is why i always get the arch/sole pain with new skates

Also how long and at what temp did you bake the skates, you HAVE to bake them at 200 deg for at least 4 mins or at 175 deg for at least 7-8 mins to have the foam get soft enough to mold. This is coming from someone who had last years and this years model of U+ pro and I can tell you that when my LHS first baked my original U+'s it did NOTHING, baked second time at shop (again at their normal 175 for 2-3 mins), again NOTHING. I finally bit the bullet after reading online and baked them at home for 4 mins at 200 and bam, skate softened up, molded to every inch of my foot, and never hurt to skate in again.

If my guess is right you probably have not gotten them heated enough and the foam has not properly taken the shape of your foot.

Bake them again at the higher temp or for longer and trust me, the difference is night and day.

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The only problems I am having with them is that 1) the circulation in my foot gets cut off... Possibly due to over-tightening and

Overtightening will cause your feet to cramp because of lack of circulation. Your skate laces don't have to be pulled as tight as you can get them, just make them tight enough to keep your feet from moving around. If you have to tighten them super tight to keep your foot from moving then the skates don't fit your foot well or they are sized wrong.

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I was thinking about the potential depth problem with the skates and I thought since superfeets raise your foot a bit (with the back heel lift) that I may want to go with a flatter insole like a shockdoctor. good idea?

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i use yellow superfeet in u+ pros, and for the first couple skates, maybe a week long, they hurt a lot... i actually just got a new pair this week and my forefoot kills, however i have used a couple pairs already and after the break in stage they pain goes away and they are great, for me, it is just fight through the pain for a bit, then theyre great... other people might be different...

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I was thinking about the potential depth problem with the skates and I thought since superfeets raise your foot a bit (with the back heel lift) that I may want to go with a flatter insole like a shockdoctor. good idea?

I use the regular CCM insole which is very flat, why dont you just give those a try since you already have them, put one in and leave the superfeet in the other and see if your foot sits deeper in the boot on the one with the CCM insole. I would bet that the regular ccm insole is flatter (and thinner) than a shock doctor so that actually may be your best bet if you want to go for a deeper fit.

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