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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stripped Axels

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Maybe you read my post a little while ago about how I ordered Mission Boss '08 skates through hockeymonkey and they came with 3 of the wheels so badly stripped I couldn't get them out, well they sent me new axels and all I had to do was get them drilled out, thought this wasn't a big deal, they assured me most LHS could do this, WRONG. I've gone to a couple Peranis and another LHS and none of them had the drill bit to do it. There isn't any other feasible LHS I could go to that are near me, my last thought is could I get this done at a hardware store? I'm about on my last draw here and am starting to think about just sending them back and getting a different skate altogether. I'm a little nervous though because it's close to a month since I ordered them and I'm a little afraid they're going to tell me they won't take them.

Edit: I ended up coming home for the weekend and took them to the local hardware store and they got them out for me. The guy was pretty determined to do it with an allen wrench though, he spent like 10mins before he finally realized they weren't budging.

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If your Perani's is anything like the one here, I wouldn't let them do anything but sell me an over-priced tshirt.

Going to a hardware store or metal working place may be a good idea. Just make sure they know to be really gentle around the chassis. If you go to a home depot type store, they also have tools that are designed to screw into and attach to a stripped screw so that you can pull it out. It's probably like 15-20 dollars, but then you'll have it if you ever need it again.

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If you absolutely have no other options my suggestion would be to talk to HM. I bought some Commander Blacks not too long ago from them and I had the same problem as you. I took them back to HM and they were really great about it. Not only did they manage to get the axles out (free of charge) but since I came in right before they closed they were nice enough to mail me my skate when they were done (also free of charge). Of course, I have the luxury of living relatively close to their Santa Ana store but if you call them up (call the store, not customer service) and just level with them they may be able to help you out.

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