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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf Ultra G series skates with Tuuk LS2 holders

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Holy Frankenskate! Did you get any pork chops or legs of lamb back with that?

Isn't there only one other shop that does skate repair on the entire island of Manhattan? Just sayin...

Even if that is true, it doesn't change the fact that they do some pretty unmatched work. Be it sharpenings, installations, or all around hockey sense. I know for a fact that people come from all around the five boroughs and Long Island to get work done there. And there are certainly more than two options in all of New York City. Now, their prices may be a little over the top, I don't know if that's the cost of renting space on 5th Ave. in Manhattan or what. Just the best place to go around me IMO.

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looks like the 'tech' used the existing skate boot holes to reduce the amount of drilling required in the boot, possibly thought he was doing the best for the boot

you can remove the threaded inserts from the boot simply by screwing the screw nearly all the way out and tapping it firmly, really its best using a longer steel one, cant remember thread size off top of my head but it will either be m4x.7mm or m5x.8mm not sure if the holes would be a bit loose for rivets after the insert is out,

it looks shabby but doesnt look like it would be any less strong than an all rivet job bear in mind graf only usually have 8 (high tensile aluminium!) screws holding a cobra blade holder on

my current preferred method for conversions in the absence of a riveting setup is a full compliment of 10+ m4 threaded inserts and short stainless button headed screws, hard work but looks nice and is well up to the job, rougher method is m4 countersunk going inside-out with stainless nylocks and the excess sawn+filed smooth

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Hey all

I know this thread has been quiet a long time (there's several of them like this on the internet), but I wanted to update folks who have been thinking about putting Tuuks on their Grafs.

Custom+ isn't made anymore. Yes, lots of pros still use them, but it's no reason to go scouring the world for a pair.

The LS2 is a great holder, but even the most qualified pro shop is going to end up drilling a bunch of unnecessary holes in your Graf boot.

I was ready to swipe my card, spend a lot of money, and do this when the owner of the pro shop I go to (who's an expert with Grafs) offered a different solution.

People put Tuuks on their Grafs because of the Cobra pitch. It's just too high for some of us. I grew up skating in Bauers and though I had profiled steel pitching me forward a bit, my boot, with the Tuuks, always remained in a more neutral position. This is what alot of people spending hundreds of dollars and drilling up their boots are going for.

Instead of all that, this guy put a small lift in front end of the holder (in between the boot and the holder), and WHAT A DIFFERENCE IT MADE.

We also switched out the original runner for Step Steel runners. It's better steel; it's got a better, more natural profile to start off with (the slightest of pitches); there's more steel there which means longer life and you're higher off the ice, which means tighter turns.

I'm going to skate on them for a couple weeks before I do anything else. Something tells me I might get them profiled a bit more, but seriously, what a difference! Don't go spend $300+...spend c. $90 and get the same feeling.

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