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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates & Pain

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Recently I started getting back into Hockey after about a year hiatus...

When I have started going back out and skating I've been getting wicked foot pain in the outer portion of my foot. It goes from my pinky toe to my heel.

This happens in both my ice and roller skates. Neither of them are new, they are the same skates I used before I stopped.

Anyone have any thoughts on how to prevent this, or remedy this?

Thank you,


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sounds like the skates aren't wide enough. not really much you can do except buy wider skates. maybe you can have them stretched, but probably won't help much unless you have a traditionally constructed skate.

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sounds like the skates aren't wide enough. not really much you can do except buy wider skates. maybe you can have them stretched, but probably won't help much unless you have a traditionally constructed skate.

:lol: Gotta love internet diagnosis of skate issues. I was going to post that it sounds like the skates are too wide. :P

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I'm having a similar problem. I have a pair of One75s, and when I bought them and was using them once a week or so, no foot pain. After not skating for 4 months I now get an aching dull pain in my arch and outside of my foot.

If they aren't wide enough I would have thought they would have hurt all the time, not now after starting to wear them again.

I was thinking superfeet, but those didn't help the last time this happened to me with a pair of Vapor XIXs. Same pain, and only after not wearing them for a little while.

I'm thinking I must be tying them tighter, or tighter in some spots, than I was previously.

I guess the lesson for me to learn is don't take time off from skating. :P

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They aren't too small, remember these were the skates I wore for years before my little break.

I am in the process of trying the SuperFeet in my Missions, because I play roller a bit more.

One guy I play with suggested a home style of a bake...Using a hair dryer, I think I'm gonna use a heat gun, while I'm warring the skates to try and mold them better

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