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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Two piece pants mixing?

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I've searched the boards and found some info, but not a complete answer.

I am currently using some CCM 520 Pro-return pants (medium size).

The length is a little long, and I was wondering if I the same model bottoms in a small would fit?

Or are there any other brand and model of two-piece pant bottoms that have a similar button pattern?

I know Tackla makes short length pants, but don't know if they will play nice with the CCM's I have.

Thanks in advance,


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Thanks for the replies.

It seems like everyone so far has been putting larger lowers on smaller tops.

Has anyone put smaller bottoms/lowers on larger uppers, like medium lowers on a large upper pant?

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