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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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9k Tendon Guard Question

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I'm in my second season of wearing my reebok 9k's and I still cant stand them. I got an offer to take $350 on trade in value for them on a new pair of skates, which is about $150 more then i would have asked if i were to sell them, only one problem. The tendon guards dont have a great deal of life left in them. I'd like to be able to get possibly more out of them, is there any way they could be fixed cheaply?

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I'm in my second season of wearing my reebok 9k's and I still cant stand them. I got an offer to take $350 on trade in value for them on a new pair of skates, which is about $150 more then i would have asked if i were to sell them, only one problem. The tendon guards dont have a great deal of life left in them. I'd like to be able to get possibly more out of them, is there any way they could be fixed cheaply?

Take it! They are selling new for 399 on hockeymonkey as we speak!

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$350 is a fantastic offer on a used pair of skates...what store is offering that? I'd take that in a second especially if you're not really happy with the skates.

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