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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Classy move for injured teammate/player

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here is a video of an injury that happend in the swedish elite league division 1

after a player got injured (pretty badly)

his teammate and opponents did something very classy and something i have never seen before.

its a link from tsn.

sportsmanship on display

its from tsn.ca i hope it works for our other international msh members

i couldnt find it on youtube.

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here is a video of an injury that happend in the swedish elite league division 1

after a player got injured (pretty badly)

his teammate and opponents did something very classy and something i have never seen before.

its a link from tsn.

sportsmanship on display

its from tsn.ca i hope it works for our other international msh members

i couldnt find it on youtube.

never seen that before either. Very nice gesture

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awesome gesture. As a referee i often hear from coaches "lets run the clock!" if a game is getting out of hand, but that's not our call, referee's can only suspend a game if both coaches agree, not change the rules governing the clock (at least under HC).

I once lined a game that was very lopsided and kind of getting out of hand. It was 3-on-3 with about 3 minutes left and the two centres approached the faceoff and said "do you really wanna play the rest of this?" the other replied "no, not really" so i said "well after i drop this puck, just skate away and we'll let the clock run." I dropped the puck, the two centres skated to their benches and the other players followed, while the clock was running the referee went and talked to the coaches and everything settled down. Parents of course had no idea what was going on and thought that we had called off the game, ruining the chance their bantam aged kid had at making it to the nhl.

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