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How to take a puck to the face with Marty Brodeur

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Reminds me of the story Open Net by George Plimpton -- who suited up as goaltender for the Bruins in a 5-minute exhibition game vs. the Flyers in 1977. It's one of the funniest things I've ever read.

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It seems like people always put the pads on the wrong way in press coverage like this :D

It's not like it was live...he really should have taken the time to switch them.

Marty looked pretty good deking in full goalie gear, with a goal stick no less *L*

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Martin is the man.

I can't believe the reporter played much hockey, let alone at any sort of club level.

I was thinking the same thing. He looked like he'd never been on skates before, and he looked at those hockey pants like he didn't know what they were for.

I can't believe that San Diego State club hockey could possibly be that bad.

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Reminds me of the story Open Net by George Plimpton -- who suited up as goaltender for the Bruins in a 5-minute exhibition game vs. the Flyers in 1977. It's one of the funniest things I've ever read.

That whole series of articles is gold.

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For some one that played college hockey, he seemed pretty shocked about the "suspenders, he could hardly skate, put the bricks on the wrong way, and most of all he acted like he hardly knew who Marty Brodeur was... I haaaaaate the Devils but I mean dude, your chillin with brodeur.. The greatest goalie of all time.. how bout a lil enthusiasm!

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