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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hey guys,

I'm headed to Australia next week and they have a growing hockey league there. Unfortunately, gear is ridiculously, ridiculously expensive (1000 AUD for skates, and the AUD is roughly the same as the USD and CAD) so I was planning on placing an order for some shins and 3 - 4 blades online.

What would you guys recommend? Before Australia I was in Taiwan, and the selection of blades was really limited to mid- and low-range blades which lost their rigidity quite quickly.

I've searched the forums and have heard varying opinions, but could any of you guys who are religious 2-piece stick guys like myself make some suggestions? I only have a single Synergy blade left along with a garbage Vapor Pro blade, so I need to place the order ASAP.


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The Bauer One95 blade has been holding up pretty good for me. It's a standard fit.

If you're a RH shot, maybe fatwabbit can help you out. LOL

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I had good experience with warrior tapered blades in the past. However when they moved to HD, the feel was better but durability went down. Hopefully they addressed this problem with the new blades.

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*ahem... enters the scene... YOU RANG?

Her Thorbs, when you coming over? You dont have to worry my man, I'm the mobile LHS... I've got enough gear for a small team :)

Btw, I'm in Perth, there are a few others here in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, and I've got a couple of buddies in Adelaide. Let me know and I can get you acquainted with the guys...

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