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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warranty Help (cyclonetaylor)

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I had an easton st and it broke a little under were the blade begins to turn to the shaft. Will it be under warranty still, I have a game tom and currently no stick and they usually replace the stick on spot. Its been bugging me not knowing what I will hear tomorrow.

p.s. stick was bought 2 days ago, blade broke on first shot.

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yes from friends I have heard they are really picky about what they will do for warranty. Some even got turned away completely because the stick blade (ops) broke and they didn't consider that to be a "manufacture defect". W.e that means (guessing only a broken shaft). Guess I will hope for the best and see what happens.

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Yes I do have backup sticks, but for some reason the new ST was really winning me over. I have never really been a fan of tapered ops. Bad news was, they did not have any more ST sakics, so they gave me store credit. Not bad at all. Really impressed with how they dealt with the warranty issue seeing as I did not have to spend any time or money with shipping or waiting.

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left handed 85 flex sakic ?

yup, sadly had to go up to 100. usually use 100 but I was digging the 85, the little more whip felt good receiving passes. Im sorry but where you present in the store by any chance?

p.s. contrary to opinions and views by others, I have got to say they have some of the best customer service I have ever experienced.

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