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Switching from Pants to a Girdle?

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Started playing forward in men's league after playing net squirt through college.

I got a pair of Easton pro return pants and did not put much thought into my pants. Last night I got taken out a couple times and have a serious bruises on the lower backside of both of my hips. I can barley walk and Im thinking I need to step my pants up.

I was wondering if a girdle would provide better protection? Is it weird to skate in a girdle after wearing pants for your whole life?

Also, I bought my pants slightly big for comfort reasons. I feel like Im properly protected in the pants, but could that be the reasons for the bruising?

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Got pics of your pants?

If they are the standard Easton Pro pant you are not going to find much better protection that those.

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No I don't. And the tags were cut out of them before I received them, so I don't have the much info on them. They are the generation with no logo on the front and the word "air" on the back. They have the buttons under the belt to remove the hip pads.

Anyone have any insights on switching from pants to a girdle?

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i agree with raoul_duke2k, i went from a pair of easton 300 pants to the bauer xxxx girdle and the girdle has a lot more protection and is very light.

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Chadd is spot on. I can't see you getting more protection from a girdle. I tend to think they just help free you up a bit if your not playing a lot of contact hockey. Also, the padding doesn't shift a lot because its snug to your body. If you find that the padding is shifting in your pants when you fall maybe got with pants in a smaller size or give the girdle a shot.

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