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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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McDavid HexPad Thudd Shorts

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Does anyone have experience with the McDavid HexPad Thudd shorts seen here?

I'm wondering how good the tailbone protection is. I'm considering using these for reffing. I used to use some WSI shorts with light padding and a small tailbone piece but they wore out and I've never been able to find them again.

I have a full ref girdle that's appropriate for high level midget games but it's overkill for what I like to call "adult mites."


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I use a pair for goalie coaching. The tailbone pad is a decent size, though it could be a little bigger. Protection-wise, it's fine. I've fallen on my butt a few times in demonstrating, and it took most of the shock.

For reffing, with the risk of contact and uncontrolled falling, I might want someone a little more protective.

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