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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXXX Help Please

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I have had my Vapor XXXX for about a year now. (My previous skates had been Bauer 1000 Supremes) Right from the start they fit great. I was one of those people who thought they had to have One95's but after many fitting sessions finally conceded to the fact that I do not have a Supreme foot. The problem is that after skating on it for a year, I feel as the skate should fit closer around my heal and lower ankle. The boot is so stiff that it is hard to pull it in and still maintain the forward flex I require. I have went to wax laces (which I believe is a must for such a stiff boot) and now lace from outside to inside. I also do not lace the top eylet. This all helps a lot but still need something else.

Perhaps I should go with a custom boot next time (soon) to get that extra degree of fit that I need.

Again, I think this is an awesome skate but want to tweek it to a perfect fit.



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