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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skates killing my bones

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My skates are hurting the left side of my right foot ...the bone next to the ankle( a little lower) and i was wondering if anybody had this problem before and what i can do to fix this. Im also looking for new skates so if you have any reccomendations that would really help

Thank you

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For skates that are very heat moldable, bake them again and manually stretch them with your hands. This is considered an extreme solution but it's basically 100% for me.

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Since you need new skates anyways, take the time to get something that fits.

The problem you have might be something that can't be fixed with just changing skates so you might want to look into some proper insoles/footbeds like Superfeet or Grafs.

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Sounds like you have an accessory navicular bone, not uncommon but makes fitting footwear a literal pain. Try a fully heat moldable boot, or you can even get your LHS to punch out the area where the bone is hitting the skate for a bit of relief. And yes, definitely give the yellow Superfeet footbeds a try if you haven't already to try and get your arch supported a bit better.

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Sounds like you have a similar problem to me. I have a bone on the inside of both feet, below the ankle bone and above my arch, that protrudes a ton and causes severe pain when putting on a skate not fitted for me. I have a hard time even trying on skates since I literally cannot put any weight on my feet due to the pain of this bone. I need to have the skates punched out in this area, where they will actually alter the shape of the boot to allow for this protruding bone. Its not a hard process and any decent skate fitter should be able to alleviate that pain for you.

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had those with my AGXs. didnt heat mold them at first, had the problem and my bone actually swelled up, making it worse. baked them twice, punched them out twice, even then it took a whole year and now I can wear them relatively pain-free for pond hockey - I have a pair of 110XP for coaching which dont do that.

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I was having the same problem with my new One75's. I skated stick time Thursday morning and I was literally bruised at that spot on both feet.

I did a second bake last night & was pain free at pick-up this morning. If that didn't work then punching would be the next step.

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It does sound like the accessory navicular bone causing the pain; I have the same problem. It wasn't too noticeable until skates transitioned to composite outsole materials. I'm currently skating on One90s which have caused a nice callous around the bone on each foot. I look like a freak.

As others have already stated, heat molding can help, along with punching in extreme cases. I had my skates punched to relieve the pressure point; the tricky part was pinpointing the spot in a new pair of skates. Good luck; I know how painful this bone can be.

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The first composite skate that didn't bother my navicular bone was the vapor x:50 skate. Just one bake of the skate was all that was needed. I had to always wear Graf skate to prevent the pain. Try the new vapor line. I tried just about all the other composite skates including bauer one95.

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I'm having a similar problem, it's the same area except its on the outside of both of my feet. My skates are Easton se6 in a 10.5EE, I've had them baked twice but the pain is still there. I don't know if these skates typically fit narrow in the mid-foot. I can only keep the laces even relatively tight at about the 4th eyelet from the top, everything below that has to be pretty loose. The boots fit in length and I pass the pencil test. I'm thinking something like a flexlite might remedy the problem.

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I'm having a similar problem, it's the same area except its on the outside of both of my feet. My skates are Easton se6 in a 10.5EE, I've had them baked twice but the pain is still there. I don't know if these skates typically fit narrow in the mid-foot. I can only keep the laces even relatively tight at about the 4th eyelet from the top, everything below that has to be pretty loose. The boots fit in length and I pass the pencil test. I'm thinking something like a flexlite might remedy the problem.

The non composite Easton boots are very narrow. You may need a EE. Flexlites are uber roomy and only fit a specific foot type... aka Flintstone feet.

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thanks....i got ccm u+ 07 and got them molded right away and now i cant even feel pressure on the bone...im skating with no problems now even though the bone is still swelled

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its definetly a drag with so much pain....these skates really helped i would definetly recommend them if you want to keep on playing because the pain was so severe i wasnt sure i was going to be able to play for much longer

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