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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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reviving old gloves?

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I have a pair of supreme 70 gloves in black and white. the white parts are synthetic leather and have begun to turn to almost a yellowish color. I want to know the best way to paint the fingers white again. I was thinking about some acrylic paint, and then silicone spray over it for protection. has anybody sucessfully painted or recolored a pair of gloves? Any suggestions on the best materials to use?

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try using oxyclean or something to clean them first.

make a paste and let it sit on the syn leather for a few minutes. that might do it.

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Tide-to-Go pen?

I'd assume that acrylic paint, even with a clear coat will eventually crack.

the tide to go pen is bleach right? the problem is that the paint is wearing off, it is not dirty.

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the tide to go pen is bleach right? the problem is that the paint is wearing off, it is not dirty.

OK, I thought it was just yellowing/dirty. I think the ttg pen is mostly concentrated detergent. It's safe for colours, so if there's bleach in it there can't be much.

Maybe take the gloves to a shoe repair shop and see what they suggest. A craft store might have some white leather dye or something that would work, too.

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