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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Funny things

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Disclaimer!! This is wicked embarassing.

Ok so I have sense appologised to the ref for saying this...

So the Ref throws me out of the game for spitting on the other teams bench and fighting and about 5 other stupid things I had Done.

Ref 'Go Home you Punk'

ME ' Yeah Well I'm going home to f**k my girl friend, You get to go home to your fat wife and retarded kids."

I was banned from the rink for a year. and I deserved it. Damn I was an ass.

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I always love it in the NHL when they call obsrtruction interference.

My favorite was the "Equipment Malfunction" penalty at the olympics.

(One of the USA guys got it for touching the puck without their helmet on.)

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i ve heard a couple, like " bend over, and use your good eye" or once my coach sent our captain over and he asked the ref "my coach wants to know if he gets a penalty for thinking?" the ref says no so our captain sayd" good, because he thinks you're a fucking idiot"

i thought it was good anyways

LOL!!! Best one I've read! :lol:

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