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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone know where I can get TPS R10 junior sticks?

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** Note I posted this earlier in the Buy section, but I didn't get much of a response and wanted to try here as well.

I'm a small woman so I use junior sticks. I really like my TPS R10 junior stick but I can't find it on sale online anymore. I'm looking for a stick with these specs:

Model: TPS R10

Pattern: Nash

Flex: Junior, regular 35/40/50 flex (not whip)

Hand: Left

If you have such a stick you would be willing to sell or know of a local hockey store that carries the stick, please let me know.


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** Note I posted this earlier in the Buy section, but I didn't get much of a response and wanted to try here as well.

I'm a small woman so I use junior sticks. I really like my TPS R10 junior stick but I can't find it on sale online anymore. I'm looking for a stick with these specs:

Model: TPS R10

Pattern: Nash

Flex: Junior, regular 35/40/50 flex (not whip)

Hand: Left

If you have such a stick you would be willing to sell or know of a local hockey store that carries the stick, please let me know.


philbricks in dover in NH has a ton of them. See if they will ship you some

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I called Philbricks and they didn't have any sticks in stock. But I found some on Ebay:


Looking at the photo in the Ebay listing, I'm confused by the coloring of the graphics. I have this stick and mine is mostly a bluish green color on the bottom half and not black as seen in the photo. Also, the letters "RESPONSE" and "R10" on the shaft towards the blade are bright green on my stick, not black and silver. Can anyone confirm that the Ebay listing is legit?

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I called Philbricks and they didn't have any sticks in stock. But I found some on Ebay:


Looking at the photo in the Ebay listing, I'm confused by the coloring of the graphics. I have this stick and mine is mostly a bluish green color on the bottom half and not black as seen in the photo. Also, the letters "RESPONSE" and "R10" on the shaft towards the blade are bright green on my stick, not black and silver. Can anyone confirm that the Ebay listing is legit?

That's a r10 and that seller is legit

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